I went to a restaurant, Triniti of Silver at Mt Albert and asked
for some coffee grounds. The woman said I was lucky, and she gave me 2
I bit off more than I can chew, they were so
heavy when I lugged them to the car. They must weighing 10 kilos. I went
there for Xmas lunch. That's how I know there are coffee
grounds. I mix them straight into the soil.
My local
gas station's cafe also leaves out coffee grounds for people to take
home. Sometimes I ask my church MABC s coffee makers to give me the
The texture of the coffee grounds is like soil,
dark and rich. They increase the bulk in you veg garden. They supply
nitrogen retained from the bean. This is a must-have
plant nutrient for leafy greens and vegetables.
Krey Mo Kee preschool building completed - February 2014
Another combined team from Mt Albert and CBC returned in February 2014
to plaster concrete block walls, add the doors & windows, line the
interior, finish exterior flashings and painting and also to install a
water supply to the toilets.
Kevin Honore came to speak to us at Mt Albert Baptist Church.
Gaby went with MABC team to Thailand.
Kevin Honore coming to speak to us. Kevin is a field director with
Bright Hope International and has facilitated our work in Krey Mo Kee
Village. Check out the video of the new teacher we’re supporting at hilltribehope.
of the best things about Mt Albert Baptist (and there are a lot to
choose from!) is that it is a “going” church. In obedience to Jesus’
command that we “Go into all the world” (Matt 28), people from MAB
regularly “go” into a massive variety of different places with the firm
intention of both speaking of and demonstrating the love of God. Whether
it be going to India to help women caught in the sex trade (like
Rebecca McLeay working with Freeset) or going to your neighbour across
the street; whether it be working together on a massive project (Love
where you live) or working individually in the place God has called you,
living out the mission of God is a big part of what it means to be Mt Albert Baptist.
One of the spearhead projects in which this “Going” nature is seen is
in our work at Krey Mo Kee village in Thailand. This week, we are
privileged to have Kevin Honore coming to speak to us. Kevin is a field
director with Bright Hope International and has facilitated our work in
Krey Mo Kee Village. Check out the video of the new teacher we’re
supporting at hilltribehope.
See you Sunday.
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This is a hundred-year-old journal of two families, the Chans and
the Kongs. It traces the first movement in 1907 from Kwang Zhou, China
to the jungles of Borneo. It is a six-generational record with the
second wave of movement to England, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia,
USA ...
Women suffers from oppression. This story traces the life of Nadine
who overcomes her own problems of oppression, grows up to be a social
worker and helps women who have suffered from physical and mental
violence, domestic violence, rape, pornography, swinging, sex slavery,
human ...
This is a real life story of losing one's only son. This experience
has made the author strong and caring. This tragedy has been a great
help for her to help understand other bereaved people. The author is
very brave to write this book. It has not been easy and she aims to
touch,... read full description below.
First edition: July 2013 Fiction ISBN: 978-0-473-25414-8
272 pages.
This book is the embodiment of many issues of the darker
side of today’s society. Auckland
city is chosen because of her cosmopolitan features, as well as the presence of
immigrants, new and old. There are mail order brides from all over the world.
This story could happen in any big city in the world.
http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Community/2013/10/06/Local-writers-books-to-be-released-on-Oct-12/ " Mail Order Bride published in July 2013, it is
about the darker side of today’s urban social issues such as obsession,
mail order brides, murder, suicide, mother-daughter rivalry, child
pornography, prostitution, modelling, fraud, childhood shenanigans,
runaway street kids, anorexia, nervosa and teen pregnancy.
Published May 2014 ISBN 9780473287153
Women face many kinds of oppression through
the centuries. The author takes you to a journey of modern day oppression.
This story traces the life of Nadine, a girl
born to Indian parents. It embodies the issues of a Kiwi girl, Nadine, growing
up in conflicting cultures and getting lost in her environment.
Nadine grows up to overcome her problems to
help women who suffered from physical and mental violence, domestic violence, rape,
pornography, swinging, incest, bullying, sex with minors, sex slavery and human
"Very interesting and useful as a reference for my work" Judy Dawson, counselor in Auckland, New Zealand.
My other books Diary of a bereaved mother and From China to Borneo to Beyond are already in circulation in the Auckland city libraries.
All four books are in the Auckland University Library.
Stephie Joustra has lupus, which led to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Picture / Jason Oxenham
A young beauty queen with a severe form of arthritis is speaking out
about her experience with the disease in the lead-up to tomorrow's
Arthritis New Zealand street appeal.
Miss Universe New Zealand
finalist Stephie Joustra, 22, has lupus, an autoimmune disease she has
in common with A-list celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Seal.
she described herself as "quite a private person", Ms Joustra chose to
share her battle with the disease in the lead-up to the appeal. Lupus is
an incurable disease that causes the immune system to attack the body's
own cells and organs.
It is more common among women and,
according to the Lupus Trust of New Zealand, is more prevalent in Maori
and Pacific Islanders.
It imitates the symptoms of other diseases and for Ms Joustra took the form of rheumatoid arthritis.
Though lupus means she has to
avoid the sun, which can trigger symptoms like extreme fatigue and joint
pain, Ms Joustra doesn't let it stop her from working in marketing and
events management, competing in equestrian sport at a national level and
modelling part-time.
When the symptoms of lupus first appeared, Ms Joustra, just 12 at the time, woke up one morning unable to move.
a pre-teen girl who was very active, suddenly not being able to do the
things that normal kids were doing was extremely hard."
She said
all she wanted to do was fit in. But with a butterfly rash on her face -
a typical symptom - and struggling with simple daily activities, she
was badly bullied. She missed much of her first two years of high
Now in remission, Ms Joustra said she hoped to keep it that way.
people affected by arthritis, she said that learning to self-manage,
maintaining a healthy lifestyle, talking to others and getting the
support of a good doctor were vital.
"Often just having someone to talk to and to understand what you are going through is a huge thing."
of the Arthritis New Zealand street appeal hope to raise $500,000 to
help the more than half a million Kiwis living with arthritis. Lupus • A chronic autoimmune condition that attacks healthy tissue. • Affects mainly women. • One in 900 people in NZ are affected. • More prevalent in Maori, Pacific, Asian people. • Can be triggered by sunlight, UV light, hormones and some medications. Source: Lupus Trust of NZ
a Chinese child growing up in Borneo, I am constantly not to wear wet
clothing, have wet hair. The maxim was, "Don't ask why, wait till you
grow old, and suffer fro, Arthritis and Rheumatism. It was a feared
disease, my Grand Dad and Grand ma were constant in pain, and their
mobility impaired.
Today is the Arthritis New Zealand
street appeal. I went Downtown and were greeting with these three lively
young man and women. I was touched that young people were involved in
what is generally known as an old person's illness. Thank you, Gwen,
Dean and Joey. Paki Paki.
more common among women and, according to the Lupus Trust of New Zealand, is more prevalent in Maori and Pacific Islanders.
• A chronic autoimmune condition that attacks healthy tissue.
• Affects mainly women.
• One in 900 people in NZ are affected.
• More prevalent in Maori, Pacific, Asian people.
• Can be triggered by sunlight, UV light, hormones and some medications. Source: Lupus Trust of NZ
Isabel Allende (Spanish: [isaˈβel aˈʝende] (listen); born 2 August 1942) is a Chilean writer.[1][2] Allende, whose works sometimes contain aspects of the "magic realist" tradition, is famous for novels such as The House of the Spirits (La casa de los espíritus, 1982) and City of the Beasts (La ciudad de las bestias,
2002), which have been commercially successful. Allende has been called
"the world's most widely read Spanish-language author".[3] In 2004, Allende was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters,[4] and in 2010, she received Chile's National Literature Prize.[5]
Allende's novels are often based upon her personal experience and pay
homage to the lives of women, while weaving together elements of myth
and realism. She has lectured and toured many American colleges to teach
literature. Fluent in English as a second language, Allende was granted
American citizenship in 2003, having lived in California with her
American husband since 1989.
Isabel's second book was written when her daughter died. She wrote about void, emptiness, darknessJust
like Isabel, my first book brings someone to connect with me almost
every day. As a writer, the greatest accolade back from a neonatal nurse
from the University hospital of Toronto. She said she read my book. The
head of the NICU there gave her the book to read before she took up her
I would be a dream I won't ask if I can achieve a fraction of her success. I have already succeeded. Recently, a
counselor/therapist read my 4th book, Cry of oppressed women told me she
will use it as reference for her work.
counselor/therapist read my book and said she would use it as a
reference for her work. This is the best accolade one can get from a
professional. Cry is my second book where it is used. Diary
of a bereaved mother is used in a university hospital in Canada as a
reference for professionals in neonatal intensive care.
The march in Wellington against domestic and sexual violence. Photo / John Weekes
Hundreds of people gathered for a march on Parliament in Wellington today to protest against domestic violence and child abuse.
participating in the lunchtime march included social workers, nurses,
schoolchildren, students, and men like Wellington's Dave Currie, who
said a culture of machismo and domestic abuse was causing "unbelievable
and silent pain" across New Zealand.
Mr Currie told APNZ violence
against women was among the most pressing issues in contemporary New
Zealand and politicians needed to take the issue seriously.
at today's march was community worker Tristanne Dunlop. She said that at
her organisation, Naku Enei Tamariki - which translates to "These are
our children" - she had a caseload of 22 abused and neglected kids.
Dunlop said she came to Wellington to show that family violence and
child abuse should not be tolerated. "We see the repercussions it has on
our children," she said.
The crowd marching down Lambton Quay towards the Beehive was
largely female and although Mr Dunlop said the turnout was heartening,
she'd like to see more men attend.
University student Madeline
Ashton said a "cultural shift" was required for New Zealand men to stamp
out domestic violence and sexual abuse.
Ms Ashton said it was
"embarrassing" to see Rape Crisis centres shut down for a lack of funds
and Women's Refuge facilities under financial strain.
She said
domestic violence, child poverty and sexual violence were important
election issues to many in the crowd - and politicians should take note.
"Women's issues in general are very important in my decision..."
Ashton said politicians and local authorities could take practical
steps to address the issue, such as funding better lighting in areas
such as university campuses where women were at risk of
sexually-motivated attacks.
Another protester, a nurse called
Elaine who declined to give her surname, said she was "the ambulance at
the bottom of the hill" who had to address the legacy of abuse. She said
schools should do more to teach children violence and domestic abuse
were unacceptable. "Relationships need to be taught."
The lunch time protest ended outside Parliament at about 1pm.
On Sunday, a new friend gave me this lovely infinity
scarf. I was chatting with another friend when I got this glow of
fuzzy feeling. When I was pregnant with Andrew, I knitted a coat with a
similar texture and colour. I wore it everywhere I went. It was stretchy
just like this scarf, and I wore it even when I was 9 months pregnant.
had forgotten about this purple coat until I chatted with Roz. Andrew
might have died, but he is in my heart, and it was having him that I
became a writer.
My daughter told me about this place where all profits went to
charity. It reminds me of the charity my friends and I ran for the Deaf
Ministry in Kenya, but on a bigger scale.
Serious time.
"When she only 19, Paula Bennett was on the Domestic Purposes Benefit
but was able to buy her own house in Taupo for $56,000, courtesy of
Housing Corporation loan. Bennett said
she'd worked part-time but that she "pretty much fell apart because I
was exhausted and I WENT BACK ON THE DPB".
"But now she's a minister it's a different story" said Harawira.
"It was OK for Paula to go back on the DPB because it was too hard to survive,but it's tough luck for her sisters today.
"It was OK for Paula to get a Housing Corp loan back then,
but National made sure that it's no longer available today."
"It was OK for Paula to stay on the DPB to raise her daughter, but she's
making sure that young woman won't have that privilege anymore."
"It was OK for Paula to get a paid tertiary education back then,
but not today. In fact she was the Minister who abolished the Training Incentive Allowance."
"Paula Bennett basically set herself up in life with direct assistance
from the state,but now she's the Minister of Social Development, she's
gonna make sure nobody else can ever get that kind of help"
"Her hypocrisy would be laughable, except it's so bloody tragic."
Hone Harawira Mana-Te Tai Tokerau MP
My character in Mail Order bride was on the Domestic Purposes Benefit and so were characters in Cry of Oppressed women.
Gutted to see this Aihe (dolphin) washed up at Browns Bay yesterday. It
had drowned from fishing line tangled around it's tail, fins and body.
One of it's fins had been torn by the
fishing line... If you're a keen fisherman like myself please be aware
of the damage that can be done by treating our moana (ocean) like a
dump. That old fishing line off your spool belongs in a bin not tossed
overboard! Otherwise this is what happens! I'm hoping these photos
will bring awareness and understanding to the adverse effects of
irresponsible actions and the impacts they can have on the innocent and
through that understanding we all can have an improved respect for our
moana and our natural environment... Mā te rongo, ka mōhio; Mā te mōhio,
ka mārama; Mā te mārama, ka mātau; Mā te mātau, ka ora. Through
resonance comes cognisance; through cognisance comes understanding;
through understanding comes knowledge; through knowledge comes life and
Tangaroa Kiokio drowned from entanglement in fishing line