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Mail Order Bride Kindle Edition
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AV5T5EA?ref_=pe_2427780_160035660by Ann Kit
Suet Chin ChanMy book is available on Kindle
Mail Order Bride
Samuel Chin
Gabrielle Chin
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Kindle, Kindle eBook, January 19,
This book is about bought brides from the internet.The bride wasn't bashful and was all out to cheat their husbands. Concealing the birth of her daughter, she pretends to adopt the girl and bring her up. Her daughter got into trouble with boy gangs and she got involved with a toy boy. The story ends with a blood donation revealing that she is the mother of her daughter.
Cry of oppressed womenAuthor: Ann ChinPublisher: Ann ChinAddress:
352 Pt Chevalier Road, Pt. Chevalier, Auckland 1022Format:
EpubPublication Date: 12/2014ISBN: ISBN 978-0-473-30891-9
Mail order brideAuthor: Ann ChinPublisher: Ann ChinAddress: 352
Pt Chevalier Road, Pt. Chevalier, Auckland 1022Format: EpubPublication
Date: 12/2014ISBN: ISBN 978-0-473-30892-6
Robbie Taylor was killed when the car he was
travelling in went out of control and crashed into a tree on Ian
McKinnon Drive. Photo / Dean Purcell
A large number of students, staff and parents gathered at St Peter's
College this afternoon to commemorate the life of 17-year-old Robbie
Taylor who died in a car accident this weekend.
The teen, who was
due to enter his final year at college, was killed when the car he was
travelling in went out of control and crashed into a tree on Ian
McKinnon Drive, Eden Terrace on Sunday afternoon.
Two others, the driver and another passenger, were also injured in the accident.
headmaster James Bentley said a large number of students, staff and
parents gathered at the school to share in a memorial liturgy for the
popular student.
On its Facebook page the college's first XV team also paid its tribute and offered its condolences to the young man's family.
in peace Robbie Taylor. The news of the passing of such a young man in
the St Peter's community is very tragic. Rest in Love Robbie and St
Peter will no doubt open the gate to heaven for one of its own angels."
Yesterday, friends also paid their tribute to the 17-year-old, describing him as a keen comedian that was fun to be around.
friend James Cameron had known Mr Taylor since Year Nine and had been
looking forward to seeing out their final year together.
"He was
pretty much a comedian and funny to be around. He was pretty bright,
even in class he was the type you'd want to sit next to."
Mr Cameron also reflected on what he saw as the injustice around his friend's death.
was just in the car with them ... he didn't deserve it ... they were
boy-racing, but it was just unfortunate that he was involved in this."
A police spokeswoman said the investigation into the crash was ongoing and was expected to take several weeks to complete.
She said so far no one had been arrested and no charges had been laid.
Ram raiders assault Pt Chevalier dairy owner with hammer
Ram raiders used a car to reverse into Point Superette in Pt Chevalier on January 9.
An Auckland dairy owner is recovering after ram raiders assaulted him with a mallet.
Wang and his father William had been asleep when they heard a car
reverse into the front of their Pt Chevalier dairy at 4.25am on January
"We live at the back and when it hit it vibrated the house and woke us up," Alex Wang says.
CCTV footage shows four offenders running into Point Superette, on the corner of Pt Chevalier Rd.
Alex and his father went to investigate the disturbance and saw the offenders stuffing their pockets with cigarettes.
He says the pair had to use metal poles to defend themselves after the men began throwing things at them.
"They were throwing everything they could get their hands on at us."
Alex says one of the men picked up a mallet, which the dairy owner uses for breaking up ice, and threw it at his father's head.
The offenders then fled in two vehicles, leaving a third car at the scene.
A police spokesperson says one of the vehicles was recovered on Weymouth Rd, Manurewa at about 5.20am.
It had been stolen earlier from a Pt Chevalier property, she says.
Alex says his father received hospital treatment following the assault and is now recovering at home with a bandaged head.
"He's fine and will get better.
"We're all having trouble sleeping."
Police say investigations are ongoing. Contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 with any information.
My student's dairy was burgled at 4.30am this morning. The idiots, 3 of them rammed their car against the glass panel, and stole cigarettes. Woken by the commotion, his father, the owner came out to check. They threw a hammer at the owner who needed 9 stitches to his forehead, just above this forehead.
The trio approached the woman at about 8.15am and assaulted her before stealing her car. Photo / Doug Sherring
A woman was viciously attacked by a group of teenage girls this
morning in the carpark of Auckland's Sylvia Park shopping centre.
The trio approached the woman at about 8.15am and assaulted her before stealing her car.
Two men were with them but did not participate in the assault.
Police are appealing for information from the public about the assault and the offenders.
The victim's car has not been located. It is a silver Nissan Cefiro with the licence plate CRY691.
A police spokeswoman said the victim suffered minor injuries.
It was initially thought her injuries were much worse but she was now "doing ok".
She said the attack had traumatised the victim.
A woman in the security office at the mall refused to comment.
Centre manager Jonathan Douglas told the Herald he had been notified of the incident.
He confirmed the woman was an employee of Max, a clothing store in Sylvia Park.
"Our thoughts and concerns go out to the victim," he said.
are hopeful that through the CCTV footage picked up of the incident and
given to the police that the police will quickly find the culprits.
This appears a completely random act of violence on an employee of Max
and as mentioned our thoughts are with her and her family at this time."
Mr Douglas said security patrols at the mall's carpark areas had been increased.
The manager of the Max store was obviously upset about the incident.
"We don't want to talk about it," she said.
She said the staff member's privacy prevented her commenting, and then hung up the phone.
you see the car or know who the offenders are call 111 immediately.
Information can also be passed on to the Auckland police on 09 304 6400.
They smash the service station's glass doors using a hammer and axe
handle before kicking their way through. Armed with a large bag, their
faces covered and hands gloved, it's clear what they have come to do.
before they can steal a thing, the station attendant activates a secret
weapon. A thick white mist fills the inside of the store, billowing
quickly towards the would-be thieves as they try to climb through the
shattered door.
The pair are puzzled, but they don't stick around to find out what is going on.
have just been introduced to a fog cannon, the latest crime prevention
method being implemented by service stations nationwide.
The men
broke into the Mobil service station on East Tamaki Rd at 3.10am on
December 23. It is the third time since July the station has been hit in
a similar smash and grab. Mobil petrol station CCTV cameras show the
offenders smashing their way into the store before the fog is released.
Photo / Supplied The first two times cash and cigarettes were pinched, but this time the fog cannon cut the thieves off at the pass.
A number of other service stations have also been broken into and police are investigating a link between them.
three and five offenders with their faces either covered or hidden
behind hoods, charge at the doors using weapons to smash the glass and
force entry.
Detective Senior Sergeant Kevin Tiernan suspected the same group was behind the smash and grabs.
"It is probably a core group of four or five and then other people turn up," he said.
"I suspect they are all somehow linked or known to each other."
Tiernan said the offenders all appear to be males under 25. Police have
released CCTV images of some of the people involved in a bid to
identify and arrest them.
"In one robbery an attendant was attacked and ended up with a cut to the head," he said.
the most recent one the attendant was grabbed around the throat.
Generally they have managed to run off and lock themselves in an
Mr Tiernan said at Mobil last week the attendant
activated the fog cannon soon after the two robbers started to smash
their way in.
"The cannon fills the store up with fog, there is zero visibility," he said.
"One of the offenders got through the smashed door, but once he was in realised it was a hopeless case and they left."
One of the offenders got through the smashed door, but once he was in realised it was a hopeless case and they left.
Detective Senior Sergeant Kevin Tiernan
Mr Tiernan said fog cannons were "relatively new" to police but were a great crime prevention mechanism.
"It prevents offenders from getting anything," he said.
is only the second one I have come across. Recently there was a service
station break-in but it was unattended, closed for the night. When they
broke in the cannon was obviously set with the alarm and they triggered
it. It filled the store up with smoke and they left."
Mr Tiernan
was confident police would find those responsible for the spate of
robberies. "Some of them are using stolen cars and when we recover those
we examine them, looking for forensic evidence," he explained.
Protect Global New Zealand trade distributor and consultant Andre Weibel, who sells fog cannons, said many retailers had them.
They cost up to $5000 to install but once they were in, could save a lot more than that by preventing theft.
Mr Weibel said recently more petrol stations and dairies had been installing fog cannons.
Luxury fashion stores Prada and Louis Vuitton also installed cannons.
"Standard units cover 2700cu/m per minute with fog," he said. Can you help? Call Counties Manukau police on 09 261 1300 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
What is a fog cannon?
A security device that fills rooms with dense fog in a matter of seconds. It is activated by an emergency button. What is the fog made of?
A combination of glycol and water forced through a heated element. It is used in smoke machines and smells of peppermint. Is it dangerous?
No. The fog is harmless to humans, animals, fixtures and IT gear. What happens to the fog?
It clears in about 20 minutes in a well-ventilated room.