Friday, November 8, 2013

Ann Kit Suet Chin Chan

'Ann Kit Suet Chin-Chan'(Born in 1954 in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia) is a Malaysian /New Zealand writer, blogger and photographer.
Life: Alumni: University of Windsor, Canada, Auckland University, New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology.
Career: Teaches English as a Second language. Public speaker on bereavement and writing.

Ann launched her books on October 12th, and Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, Minister of Finance (II) and Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Sarawak was the guest of honour at her launch.

Ann is involved in the Zerowaste community program in New Zealand, actively teaching people to reuse, recycle, reduce. She writes a weekly "save the world" blog.
Published Work:
  • Diary of a bereaved Mother: Good bye my baby丧儿记: 丧失儿子的母亲的一本传记
Genre self help, bereavement, death and dying, child's death, survival ISBN 978-0-473-18709-5 - Published 2011 in New Zealand
An interview from Diary of a Bereaved Mother was made partly in a New Zealand National Television Documentary "It is OK to cry, " and youtube: and exhibited in England, This book is in circulation in Auckland City Libraries and Sarawak Council Libraries.
  • From China to Borneo to Beyond
海外华人的中国魂: 从中国,到南洋,到更远 This is a journal of two families, the Chans and the Kongs. It traces the first movement in 1907 from Kwang Zhou, China to the jungles of Borneo. Genre History ISBN 978-0-473-23900-8 - Published 2013 in New Zealand,-1,0,B/browse This book is in circulation in Auckland City Libraries, New South Wales Libraries and Sarawak Council Libraries.
  • Mail Order Bride
邮购新娘 This book is the embodiment of the darker side of today’s society. Auckland city is chosen because of her cosmopolitan features, as well as the presence of immigrants, new and old. There are mail order brides from all over the world. ISBN 978-0-473-25414-8 - Published 2013 in New Zealand

References,_Sibu* alumni 1967-73
Forever In My Heart exhibition which is at the Peacock Art Gallery, Upton Country Park, from 31 January to 4 February 2013. Judy Lancaster-Bowen It is OK to cry

External links

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