Fleur of FLEUR REVELL-DEVLIN invited me to support this cause. We have just watched the Shortland Street's show on the doctors and nurses going to Fiji to help the seeing impaired.
My first encounter with the blind was when I was in the 6th form. Mum drove home a 30 something blind man. I wrote about this episode in the last chapter of my From China to Borneo to beyond book.
It was written as a tribute to Mum and Dad's generosity in giving the blind man a temporary home. It also gave us kids an experience to care for someone in need.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, I post what Fleur has written to me.
About the cause:
Vision For Life is a charitable initiative raising money for Macular Degeneration New Zealand
Vision For Life is a charitable initiative set
up by Essilor, raising money for Macular Degeneration New Zealand. The
campaign which is backed by celebrities Frankie Adams, Carly Flynn,
Renee Wright and Erica Takacs and kicking off on World Sight Day –
Thursday 09th October 2014 – Vision For Life aims to give Kiwis
suffering from Macular Degeneration the gift of sight.
Backing not only eye care, but also treatment, the stars are helping to drive donations for Macular Degeneration New Zealand though a Vision For Life fundraiser at www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/visionforlife.
Backing not only eye care, but also treatment, the stars are helping to drive donations for Macular Degeneration New Zealand though a Vision For Life fundraiser at www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/visionforlife.
Fleur Revell-Devlin | Impact PR
Hadassah Devis | Impact PR
How are you?
television presenters Carly Flynn and Renee Wright alongside Shortland
Street actress Frankie Adams have added their voice to an international
bid to raise awareness
for eye health, and I was wondering if you are interested in getting
behind the cause as well?
World Sight Day, which falls on the 9th
October 2014 calls for recognition of eye health and the importance of
eye care, an appeal which Essilor NZ feels passionately
about. The Raise the Flag initiative, set up by Essilor, encourages
Kiwis to get their eye health checked and to inspire family members to
do the same.
The initiative is represented on the Facebook page
www.facebook.com/pages/Vision-For-Life-NZ where Carly Flynn, Renee Wright and Frankie Adams – with additional support from former TrueBliss singer
Erica Takacs - lead the effort to raise awareness of the importance of eye care with the hashtag #bettersightbetterlife.
Backing not only eye care, but also treatment, the stars are helping to drive donations for Macular Degeneration New Zealand though a Vision For Life fundraiser at www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/visionforlife.
Backing not only eye care, but also treatment, the stars are helping to drive donations for Macular Degeneration New Zealand though a Vision For Life fundraiser at www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/visionforlife.
The press release outlining the initiative and including celebrity quotes, is attached and images can be downloaded
If you have any questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to ask.
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